You Have Power: Keys to Learning to Validate Yourself Now

I was recently working on some projects for my business. And as a person who occasionally still struggles with perfectionism, I always like to ask my sis or brother to review my work. This week, I had finally gotten all of the pieces together for one of these projects. I felt happy—proud even. I asked my bro if he could look over it and let me know what he thought. I was especially concerned as I wanted to know how mines measured up in comparison to others’.

As he was reviewing my work I started to get in my head. “I wonder what he thinks?” “Will he think it makes sense/looks right?” “Does anything stand out in a negative or positive way?” “Will my preferred audience respond well to this?” “Does this look the way one would expect it to look.”

As I watched him review it, I noticed him start to smile. I immediately thought, “Aha! He likes it!” Once he finished, I asked him “Looks pretty legit, right?” He handed me back my laptop and said, “It doesn’t look legit. It is legit.” Now my brother is a pretty straightforward guy. I know he was just speaking his mind in that moment with no hidden thoughts or double meanings. But when he said this to me it kept reverberating in my mind.

“It doesn’t look legit. It is legit.”

Why was I so affected by his words?

Reality check

Without even realizing it, I had asked a question that revealed my own biases and insecurities—some of which I thought I had gotten fully rid of. In the past, I’ve mentioned how I used to struggle with Imposter Syndrome.

If you’ve never heard of this term, Imposter Syndrome describes the tendency for high achieving individuals to doubt themselves, their skills or abilities, and feel like an imposter or fraud. Although I’ve made a significant amount of progress in this area, my words were not measuring up to my expressed beliefs about myself.

Without even trying to, I had revealed my own deep-seated concerns about “measuring up.” In short, I had been taken back to one of my greatest fears growing up.

I can’t be the only one who had this fear 🫣

As the child of immigrant parents, I know what it is like to feel like an outsider. Growing up, my parents made sure to tell me and my sister (my baby brother was nowhere near being born yet!) that as black people we would inevitably experience racism. They encouraged us to pursue higher education to open up more doors of opportunity for ourselves and our future children. They also told us that while people may prejudge us based on the color of our skin, our educational accomplishments and credentials were “colorless” and would “speak for themselves.”

Now as an adult, I understand why my parents told us these things. They were trying to prepare us for the tough realities of life. But whatever their intentions, there was a seed sown. Growing up, and into adulthood, I always felt like as if I had to prove myself. Although my parents did their best to instill a sense of pride/cultural pride in us, there was still this lingering sense of not ever really being good enough.

I would often compare myself, my skills and abilities to others. Receiving external validation reminded me that I was “on the right track.” Not receiving that validation led me to question everything. In short, I got into the habit of waiting on others to confirm that I was “doing good” or “good enough.”

Sean pdiddy puff daddy combs staring at a singer/performer

The way we look when we wait for others to validate us…

Can you relate? There can be many reasons for this.

  • Maybe you’ve always struggled with self-doubt.

  • Maybe you’re not as confident as your peer or co-worker.

  • Maybe you don’t believe you have any strengths/skills worth mentioning.

  • Maybe you don’t think you have anything to offer anyone (e.g., a job, a friend, a lover, etc.).

  • Maybe you still suffer from Imposter Syndrome and really have to work to convince yourself that you’re not the fraud you fear you are.

  • Maybe you have a mental health condition (e.g., depression, anxiety, bipolar, borderline personality, etc.) that has convinced you that you aren’t good enough.

Regardless of the reason, it’s time for you to change. You get yourself into major trouble when you get in the habit of waiting on others to validate you. Please don’t forget, you are NOT a parking ticket and do not need to wait to be validated! Take the time to truly review and reflect on what you bring to the table. If you struggle to do this, ask a friend or partner to tell you what they perceive to be your strengths.

If you honest to God cannot see anything positive about yourself, Get. A. Therapist! Stat!

While negative thinking may be fairly common, it isn’t healthy or beneficial to constantly think this way about yourself and what you bring to the table.

Once you have an awareness of what you bring to the table,




  • If you’re the best hairstylist you know, own it!

  • If you’re the best parking attendant you know, own it!

  • If you’re really good at marketing, own it!

  • If you’re naturally skilled at math, own it!

  • If you’re a great therapist, own it!

  • If you’re a great businessperson, own it!

  • If you’re a great stay at home parent, own it!

  • If you’re the best lawyer you know, own it!

  • If you’re the best neurosurgeon you know, own it!

  • If you’re good at creating Instagram reels, own it!

  • If you’re good at being a life coach, own it!

Don’t wait on others to acknowledge what you already know to be true.

Stop waiting on other people to cheer you on. Put on your uniform and be your own cheerleader. Throw your own pep rally. Don’t wait for others to validate you or your wins. Let your work speak for itself. Operate under the assumption that your work will speak for itself. Then go out there and DO IT!

What idea, work or project are you sitting on? Is it a book? A presentation? A master class? An app? A website? A YouTube page? A business? Time to put it out there!

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4 thoughts on “You Have Power: Keys to Learning to Validate Yourself Now

  1. I can call this blog : “The lady in the mirror .” I see my self in it. Thank you, you have helped me a lot. May God continue to inspire you more stuffs to talk about so you can help more people.

  2. I can most definitely relate!! It’s so hard to break free 😩😩😩, but we must! It’s the only way we’ll ever achieve our true potential! Thanks so much for sharing and being transparent!!!

    1. Glad to hear this spoke to you! Achieving our true potential is a great goal; and we can’t do that if we’re constantly waiting on others to validate us.

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